Friday, September 08, 2006

Celtic websites and Cider (which is good for you) and the beautiful Jay

Health experts are saying that cider is good for you.

The Daughter's boyfriend (no, we still haven't shifted the sheep) is therefore busy building a cider press.

We have six variably productive apple trees, and the harvest is nigh! His boss also has a tree or two and we aim to convert nature's providence into something alcoholic.

Our idea is that a wooden frame, a tray and a car jack will crush the nectar from the fruits of the Lord. We will then put the liquid sustenance into big buckets with some yeast and wait till it is at least 10% proof!

As the picture demonstrates, we are using Brunnel, suspension construction principles.

In time, we hope to be incoholically affluenced.

Celtic play at Aberdeen tomorrow. Prediction 1-0 Celtic

The best Celtic Website?

I ,very occasionally, post on Celtic Quick News. CQN is an okely dokely, county the money site. It is close to the board and is often first with the news. A cornucopia of views can be debated there. The elite posters are, unfortunately or perhaps by necessity, a bunch of capitalist wee shites. The odd poster is socialist (or even communist) by self-definition. Revolutionaries are few and far between.

I have to say CQN is the best Celtic fan site on the web(apart from E-Tims, due almost entirely to The Rumour Mill!). The thing about CQN is the creator Paul67 seems to be sincere in all he does. The site is therefore a haven for the gentle at heart. CQN is as green as it gets.

I suppose fandom reflects the current epoch, the level of political consciousness extant.

We are living in a period of reaction, and the voice of reaction is amplified. The believers in capitalism don't know it, but socialism will replace their system, just as theirs replaced feudalism. No doubt the CQNers will continue to debate everything their love of Celtic demands, from the specific to the general. Good luck and Hail! Hail! to them.

When we win the league, I'll raise a toast to them and Celts everywhere.

Unfortunately, the daughter's boyfriend won't, as he is a hun!

At least he isn't a capitalist.

My daughter was walking in the woods next to our cottage. Oak, Ash, Hazel, Blackthorn, Elder, Scots Pine. She found the feather pictured. The Jay is a crow which enjoys the fruit of the Oak,
just as we will soon be enjoying the fruit of the Apple Tree!

The future is ours!

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