Friday, September 29, 2006

Cider, Squirrels and Celtic


having been indisposed for over a fortnight, I thought it was high time I committed my ruminations to scrutiny again. My lengthy preview of the Man United Game preceded a 3-2 loss for my team. I was wrong about Louis excellent forward! We could have won this game but for some slack passing.

Anyway, we went on to win three Scottish Premier League Games(including beating Rangers 2-0); and then defeated Copenhagen 1-0 in our second CL group game.

Celtic are doing fine thank you very much!

We we out for a run in the car yesterday. A meandering drive took us from Grantshouse to Haddington via the Whiteadder reservoir and Garvald. Just outside Abbey St Bathans, we saw a young red squirrel on the road and halted as is slowly made it's way across and into the undergrowth. These beautiful creatures are becoming scarcer. Hopefully the one we saw will produce many others.

The cider we produced is maturing nicely. Fortunately, my daughter's smaller scale brewing exercise did not kill or maim anyone! Her 1.5litre glass bottle specimen exploded in the kitchen two nights ago. Glass and cider flew all over the place, breaking a window and a picture glass. Shards embedded several areas of wall and ceiling. The cat may have detonated the mixture as it leapt from the room as the bomb went off. No harm done. We fixed the window and the picture today. Our cider brew will kept in the garage as a precaution!

Our three hens have disappeared, no doubt in the direction of the fox's lair. It will be a while before I consider keeping hens again.

More later,

like the terrier being in heat for the last fortnight(we have four dogs and one bitch!); my indisposition; the last days of Socrates; how to thwart aggressive geese; and other matters.

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